Pricing Models for SaaS Products

In any industry, the frontrunners often shape the terrain. In the SaaS world, giants like Salesforce, Microsoft, and Adobe have established what are now considered standard SaaS pricing models.

Salesforce, for instance, popularized the tiered subscription model, where businesses could select from a range of packages, each with its own set of features and price points.

Once known for its expensive software suites, Adobe moved to a subscription-based model with Adobe Creative Cloud, emphasizing the value of continuous updates and a suite of integrated tools.

Through their success and innovation, these industry leaders have established various viable pricing models and underscored the importance of adaptability in pricing to meet changing market demands.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the intricate world of SaaS pricing models, covering various models and their implications, understanding the importance of aligning pricing with the perceived value, and highlighting successful pricing strategies.

Fundamentals of Software Pricing Models

Before diving into the specifics, look at the foundational principles influencing pricing models for SaaS products.

Cost-based Pricing vs. Value-based Pricing

Cost-based Pricing: This approach calculates the price of a product by adding a markup to the total cost of producing or delivering the service. This would include server costs, development, maintenance, support, and other operational expenses.

It ensures that all costs are covered and maintains a profit margin. However, it doesn’t necessarily reflect the perceived value of the software in the eyes of the customer.

Value-based Pricing: This is a more customer-centric approach, where prices are determined based on the perceived value of the software to the user.

Instead of asking, “What did it cost to build?” it asks, “How much value does it provide to the customer?” SaaS providers often command higher prices than cost-based models by aligning the price with the solution’s value (like time saved, increased revenue, or other tangible benefits). This approach, however, requires deep market research and an understanding of customer pain points.

Importance of Scalability and Flexibility

SaaS platforms often cater to a diverse clientele, from individual users to global enterprises. Thus, a pricing model must be scalable and flexible, from single-user pricing to enterprise SaaS pricing models. Scalability ensures that as a client grows, the software solution can grow with them without necessitating a switch to another platform.

Flexibility, on the other hand, pertains to the ability of SaaS pricing models to adapt to varying customer needs and preferences. This might mean offering monthly vs. annual plans, customizable feature bundles, or other adjustable pricing elements.

Balancing Acquisition Costs with Lifetime Value

Every SaaS company needs to acquire new customers, but this acquisition comes at a cost. Whether it’s advertising, sales commissions, or promotions, there’s a price tag attached to bringing in new users. On the other hand, the Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) represents the total value a customer brings to the business over the duration of their relationship.

For a SaaS company to be profitable, the CLTV should significantly exceed the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). Different SaaS pricing models play a pivotal role in this balance. The model chosen must be competitive enough to attract new customers (lowering CAC) while ensuring long-term revenue and boosting CLTV.

Understanding Customer’s Willingness to Pay

The customer is at the heart of all software pricing models. SaaS companies must understand what potential users will pay for the solution. This involves market research, surveys, feedback loops, and sometimes A/B testing of pricing structures.

Customer acquisition becomes challenging if a product is priced too high above its perceived value. If priced too low, the company might leave money on the table or even devalue its offering.

Primary Pricing Models for SaaS

While different SaaS pricing models exist, each has unique advantages, challenges, and ideal scenarios. Let’s take a more in-depth look at the primary SaaS billing models and the intricacies that surround them.


The freemium model uses a strategy where businesses offer a basic version of their software for free, while access to more comprehensive features or tools requires a paid subscription.


  • Broad User Base: With no initial cost, users are more inclined to try the software, leading to a broader user base. This wide adoption can result in word-of-mouth referrals and organic growth.
  • Customer Trust: Offering a taste of the software allows potential clients to trial the product without financial risk, establishing trust and familiarity.


  • Operational Strain: A vast user base can strain servers, customer support, and other resources, leading to increased operating costs without enough revenue to offset them.
  • Conversion Challenges: Not every free user will convert to a paid user. The conversion rates can be slim, and there’s the challenge of convincing free-tier users of the value of premium features.

One-time Licensing

One-time licensing involves customers paying a one-time fee to access the software indefinitely without recurring costs.


  • Immediate Revenue: With this model, businesses gain a significant amount upfront, which can be pivotal for startups or companies that need an immediate influx of capital for research, development, or expansion.
  • Upfront Pricing: The customer knows the total cost from the outset, making the sales process smoother and reducing the chances of future billing disputes or cancellations.


  • No Recurring Revenue: Without a continuous revenue stream from existing customers, businesses constantly acquire new customers to maintain or grow revenue.
  • Limitations on Continuous Support and Updates: One-time pricing models for SaaS may not adequately cover long-term maintenance, support, or updates, possibly leading to dissatisfied customers in the long run.

Subscription-based Pricing

This model is straightforward. Users pay a recurring fee to continuously access the software, which can be monthly, quarterly, or annually. This is one of the most common software pricing models, if not the most common.


  • Predictable Revenue: Regular payments mean businesses can anticipate their monthly or annual revenue, aiding in budgeting and forecasting.
  • Customer Loyalty: Offering discounts on longer-term commitments (like annual subscriptions) can encourage users to stick around, enhancing customer loyalty.


  • Value Proposition: With continuous payments, businesses must consistently prove their software’s value, leading to an emphasis on constant updates, improvements, and customer support.
  • Churn Risk: Subscription models always run the risk of customers canceling their subscriptions, leading to revenue losses.

Usage-based Pricing

This model charges users based on their actual consumption or use of the software or service.


  • Flexibility for Users: This model caters to businesses or individuals who might not need continuous access to the software. They only pay for what they use.
  • Attractive to Niche Markets: Ideal for services where user demands can be sporadic or highly variable.


  • Unpredictable Revenue: Unlike subscription models, revenue can be less predictable and fluctuate based on user activity.
  • User Hesitation: Without a clear understanding of their usage patterns, potential clients may hesitate, fearing unforeseen high costs.

Tiered Pricing

Different price points are established, each offering a varying set of features or usage limits.


  • Market Segmentation: With various tiers, businesses can cater to a broader range of customer needs and budgets, ensuring a wider audience reach.
  • Upsell Opportunities: Starting on a lower tier can entice customers to try the service, and as their needs grow, they can be upsold to a higher tier.


  • Complexity: If not structured clearly, multiple tiers can confuse potential clients, leading to choice paralysis or mismatches between user needs and chosen tiers.

Per-user Pricing

The pricing is directly proportional to the number of individual users.


  • Simplicity and Scalability: Easy for customers to understand. As a company grows, so do its software costs, making budgeting more straightforward.
  • Revenue Predictability: As companies grow and add more users, the SaaS provider’s revenue grows correspondingly.


  • Potential Limit on Adoption: Larger corporations might resist full software adoption due to escalating costs as more employees use the platform.

Feature-based Pricing

The price varies depending on the set of features provided rather than user count or usage.


  • Customizable Solutions: Allows users to pick a package that meets their needs, avoiding unnecessary features.
  • Clear Value Proposition: Each tier can be easily associated with a specific set of benefits or solutions, making the value proposition clear to potential clients.


  • Potential Overcomplexity: Too many feature bundles can overwhelm or confuse potential clients.
  • Challenges in Feature Segregation: Determining which features belong to which tier can be challenging and might require frequent adjustments based on feedback.

It’s Not Just About the Numbers

SaaS pricing models are more than just numbers; they balance strategy, psychology, technology, and market insight.

To stay competitive and sustainable, SaaS businesses must cultivate a culture of adaptability, always ready to refine their approach in the face of new challenges and opportunities.

No pricing strategy is set in stone. The most successful SaaS companies will be those that listen to their customers, understand market dynamics, and are willing to iterate on their pricing models in response to new information and changing circumstances.

Are you looking for a low-risk, iterative process that ensures your SaaS product delivers everything you need? Find out how Taazaa is the quality SaaS product development company that can help you with your next big idea.

Bidhan Baruah

Bidhan is the Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Taazaa. He is well versed in outsourcing and off-shoring, and loves building and growing startup teams. A true Apple lover, he loves trying different phones and tablets whenever he gets time.