Top Healthcare Technology Trends

The global pandemic has changed healthcare delivery—permanently. 

The gradual pre-pandemic adoption of healthcare technology trends shifted into high gear after March 2020. 

And it’s not slowing down. 

Healthcare providers are seeing an increasing demand for remote healthcare options from their patients. 

Telehealth is big now. So is patient access to test results and other medical records. 

As a result, healthcare providers and insurers seek more digital solutions to meet consumers’ expectations. 

What this means for healthcare software development is an increased demand for more connected capabilities.  

Six major trends will fuel the demand for digital capabilities in the healthcare industry. These trends address providers’ needs to satisfy both regulatory compliance and patient demand. 

1. Interoperability Improvements 

Though overshadowed by the pandemic, the 21st Century Cures Act went into effect in July 2020. The federal mandate requires healthcare providers to allow patients easy, digital access to their health records through application programming interfaces (APIs).  

As providers resume IT projects delayed by the COVID-19 emergency, healthcare tech companies could see a surge in the need for API development.  

A glut of consumer health apps also drives the demand for interoperability. Because these apps collect an expanding range of health data, both consumers and providers want easy ways to share and access this wealth of patient information.  

2. Increased Cybersecurity  

Ransomware, data theft, and other cyberthreats ramped up during the pandemic. As a result, many healthcare organizations need increased cybersecurity.  

Criminals continue to attack hospitals and breach healthcare systems. Providers have had to cancel surgeries and revert to paper records because their systems, software, or networks were compromised.

The financial cost is immense. According to a study by IBM, the average cost of a data breach is $4.45 million across all industries. In the healthcare industry, however, the average cost of a data breach is $10.93 million. 

The threat of healthcare disruption has reached the level where the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a call for providers and related organizations to improve their cybersecurity posture. 

Many providers are looking to software development companies to help them increase their cybersecurity. 

3. New Healthcare Startups  

Health organizations are turning to innovative new technologies to meet pandemic-fueled healthcare challenges. 

This need creates fertile ground for healthcare startups. So fertile, in fact, that biotech and healthcare startups are receiving a majority of U.S. Series A commitments.

This trend shows no sign of slowing, either. Developers are quitting their traditional tech jobs and joining startups in the healthcare space. New healthcare apps appear almost every week. Even more health apps are in their early stages. 

4. More VC Funding 

According to Forbes, venture capital (VC) funding is at an all-time high, with the healthcare information technology industry receiving many big funding rounds. As the demand for connected health data grows, expect that influx of VC funding to continue.  

VC firms and venture studios love consumer health technology innovators. They recognize the need for healthcare providers to maintain regulatory compliance, especially around interoperability. 

5. Blockchain Exploration 

Blockchain technology is a bit of a white whale in the healthcare industry. Organizations seeking to decentralize health data have been chasing blockchain for years.  

The technology promises to give patients greater control of their health data while also increasing the security of that data.  

With data breaches and ransomware a growing threat, health organizations and healthcare software development companies continue to explore blockchain applications in healthcare. 

6. Telehealth  

The pandemic has taught us how to work from home, play from home, and get healthcare from home. Telehealth has surged in popularity as a result. 

According to a McKinsey & Company report, virtual healthcare usage was 38 times higher than pre-pandemic rates.  

Patients like the convenience that telehealth solutions offer. With telehealth, they don’t have to sit in a waiting room forever, take time off work, or drive across town to the doctor’s office. Instead, virtual solutions allow consumers to get care from the comfort of their own homes.  

As the pandemic shows few signs of ending, telehealth apps will continue to be one of the leading healthcare technology trends. And as app usage grows, the supporting technology infrastructure to maintain them will also expand. 

One More Trend to Watch 

While these six trends aren’t the only opportunities for innovation in the healthcare industry, we predict they’ll be the leading technology drivers for the near term.  

Technology that addresses trends will help meet healthcare providers’ needs for regulatory compliance and patient satisfaction.  

But there’s one last healthcare trend that is having a drastic impact on the industry: a decline in healthcare workers. Having struggled through the pandemic, many doctors and nurses are leaving the field. 

This decline means hospitals and healthcare organizations are being forced to maintain a high level of care quality while having fewer caregivers to rely on. 

Therefore, technology solutions that help providers do more with less may be another big healthcare technology trend.

Innovators who capitalize on these trends will be positioned for success this year and beyond.  

Naveen Joshi

Chief Marketing Officer

Naveen is the Chief Marketing Officer at Taazaa. He has spent 15+ years understanding the core of marketing and sales in technology. His pursuit of getting things done in the best way possible has taught him to distinguish theory from practice.